Which Best Describes the Current Model of an Atom
The electrons are located outside of the the nucleus but the most we can know about their location is the volume of space in which they can be found 90 of the time. Which best describes how the current scientific model of the atom was developed 1 point the model was the result of hundreds of years of experiments recent experiments invalidated most of the work of the last 200 years most of the discoveries from the early 1900s were shown to be incorrect new experiments were. Quantum Art And Poetry Physics And Mathematics Quantum Physics Physical Science It describes exactly how the atom behaves in every circumstance. . Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. The current model of atomic theory is called the Quantum Mechanical Model otherwise known as the Electron Cloud Model. Which best describes how the current scientific model of the atom was developed. It is not an exact representation of the atom...